Our past need not dictate our present and certainly not limit our future. We can truly be free. The trick is to live life fully in the present and not allow the past to control what we do now. But how do we do that?
Alan Watts uses the example of a boat to explain the impact the past has on this moment. The wake of a ship is like the past, we remember it but over time the wake fades back into the ocean. The wake doesn’t determine where the boat will sail it simply shows where it has been.
Check out this video where Alan explains why blaming our past is an excuse to avoid really living.
Alan Watts Talks about how allowing the patterns of your past to control your current decisions is living your life completely backwards. Spending all of our time talking about and focusing on the past is a distraction technique to avoid living in this present moment and demonstrating something different.
Often we are addicted to distractions; our electronics, thoughts, the past, fear in the media, money, and our emotions. We chase shadows and hide truth from ourselves. We are the ones to keep ourselves stuck in life. We hold ourselves back when we become defensive, when we ignore our feelings, when we hide from the truth, and when we allow the past to control us.
The most powerful thing we can do is define our life by what we are doing right now in the present moment. What projects are you working on? What are you doing to better your life and live your dreams? What are you doing to help the world around you and leave a powerful legacy?
If you don’t know where to begin ask yourself Why am I here? What is your life purpose? What would I do in my life if nothing held me back?
If you know what those things are then consider this the sign you have been looking for begin living, right now.

For those of you living your life in powerful motion, consider sharing your story with the world. Put videos on youtube or start a blog. Maybe your wake will cause powerful motion and inspiration in someone elses life!
Teach by example, show us in your everyday actions who you are and who you are becoming. Use the power of synergy and empower the people around you to live their lives in the now aswell.