Guided Meditation for Financial Abundance
Are you in a constant state of worry about your survival?
Maybe you’re worried that you won’t have enough money when you retire, or you won’t be able to afford health care, eat quality foods, or live in a safe, comfortable place.
Have you said, “I can’t afford it” so many times, that you’ve unconsciously gotten so comfortable with your struggle that its turned into a “scarcity mindset” and you don’t know what to do about it?
In this report you’re going to learn a powerful meditation and visualization exercise that will teach your body to feel what’s it’s like to walk in the shoes of a millionaire so you can begin to consciously create the life of financial abundance and riches you’ve always dreamed of.
So let’s get started…
Oprah Winfrey to CEOs, to world-class athletes, to actors and musicians, even your next-door neighbor is doing it.
Millions of people around the world are practicing meditation.
Whether you’re a beginner or a long-time meditator, I’m sure you’ll agree, the time-honored practice of meditation holds the key to changing your world from the inside out.
But don’t take my word for it…
There is more scientific proof coming out everyday proving what eastern cultures have known for centuries….
Meditation helps focus and clear your mind and allows you to un-stress from an ever-increasingly complex and technological world.
Studies show how meditation and mindfulness practice enhance your mental agility and attention by changing brain structure and function so that your brain processes information more efficiently and coherently – qualities associated with higher intelligence.
Meditation relaxes your muscles and organs, and un-clutters your mind and gives you a mental vacation that totally rejuvenates your mind and body.
Studies show, without a doubt, the practice of meditation can relax you, focus your mind, change your emotional and psychological nature, improve your relationships, lower your blood pressure and bring you peace of mind.
But the big question is…
How Can a Simple Practice of Meditation Help Me Create Unlimited Financial Abundance in My Life?
The other day, somebody asked me for my best friend’s phone number.
No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t remember it.
So I walked over to a phone and picked up the receiver and looked at the keypad. To my surprise, my fingers suddenly started dialing the number!
Because my body practiced dialing the number so many times before, it knew the number by heart. My body acted unconsciously – it was smarter than my brain!
Did you know that by the time you’re 35 years old, 95% of who you are is a set of memorized behaviors, emotional reactions, beliefs and perceptions that function like unconscious automatic programs?
Does That Mean I’ve Been Living My Life on Autopilot?
You betcha!
Since 99% of what goes on in your mind and body is unconscious, those behind-the-scenes programs are responsible for most of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
We go from automatic thought to automatic behavior to automatic emotional response and so on.
After a while you have to ask yourself, “Is there a better way to be?”
Okay, you know this already….You create your reality by the thoughts you think, right?
So, if you want better finances – you’d better start changing your thinking.
How Do I Change My Old Ways of Thinking?
The first step is noticing those behind-the-scenes programs, beliefs and emotional reactions.
As you become better at noticing, something interesting happens….They disappear!
It turns out that just being aware of the unconscious programs that are running your life is the first step toward changing those mental habits and patterns.
And when you’re able to notice the programs that govern your life, you can make better choices for your future.
So what’s the best possible way of becoming aware of your conscious and unconscious thoughts and emotional reactions?
You guessed it…
Meditate, That’s How!
1. Start out by becoming very aware of your body and breathing – relax
2. Identify and clear old negative emotional patterns
3. Quiet the mind using a focus technique
4. Dive deep in the field of pure awareness or the gap between two thoughts
5. Clarify your goal – in this case it’s financial abundance
6. Practice creative visualization as if your goal has already happened
7. Be grateful
Holy Cow! Are My Thoughts My Reality Too?
Your body doesn’t know the difference between an experience in life and one that you fabricate by thought alone. Both will produce chemicals in the brain that produce emotions.
For example…
The other day I was dreaming about a tropical vacation. So I clicked YouTube and dialed: Tahiti Vacation.
Before long I was paddling a red canoe in turquoise waters framed by palm trees and white powder beaches. As I listened to the sounds of the wind and waves against the boat, I could feel my body start to relax.
The high definition quality of the video almost made me feel like I was there, all I needed was a Mai Tai and the smell of salt-water breezes.
I know what you’re thinking…
This guy is living in a virtual world, not the real thing.
But my point is… that you can create the emotion in your body by simply thinking about the experience, or in this case watching a movie.
And if you repeat these emotions and associations of relaxation and pleasure long enough – they soon begin to create your future realities.
What If I Lose My Mind?
First of all, in this crazy world, that wouldn’t be a bad thing. We could all use a little less thinking.
In no-mind meditation, your brain waves shift to the Alpha state, and you enter a deeper level of consciousness.
You’re able to really tune in to the ground of Pure Awareness or the gap between two thoughts – you enter into the Source of Being or Creativity.
In this refined, fertile state, your mind is ready to receive new impressions and ideas, and your creative imagination expands and becomes inspired.
In this receptive state you are now ready to introduce your worthy goal or intention.
So, here’s where your imagination comes in…
Imagine If You Had 10 Million Dollars In The Bank!
I really want you to imagine what it would be like to have that amount of money in the bank.
Get into the body….because after all, your body is the unconscious mind, right?
In order to feel what abundance is like, you want to make your body FEEL as if you were already experiencing that reality.
Let’s start objectifying it and really turn up the volume until you see yourself wearing the shoes and sitting in the chair of a multi-millionaire!
5 Easy Steps to Get Your Body To Feel Like a Millionaire!
As you visualize….ask yourself these questions:
Step 1 – How would your body feel if you had ten million dollars in the bank?
What would your posture look like? What would your facial expression be like? Can you emotionally tune in to who you would become? Imagine how grateful you’d be?
Step 2 – What would having ten million dollars in the bank look like?
Imagine waking up in a luxurious million dollar condo overlooking the ocean. You feel the marble tile under your feet.
You feel the coolness of the water as you swim in your private pool. You see yourself surrounded and imbued by luxury.
Bring in all the textures, sounds and sensations. The more details you can provide the better.
Step 3 – What would having ten million dollars in the bank taste like?
Maybe you’d be smoking a big fat cigar, eating fancy meals or drinking exquisite wines.
Step 4 – What would having ten million dollars in the bank smell like?
You might imagine the smell of expensive perfume or a bouquet of roses. Try and associate what the fragrance of luxury or wealth might be for you.
Step 5 – What would having ten million dollars in the bank sound like?
Maybe it sounds like an expensive sports car, or the sound of your powerful yacht as you approach your million-dollar condo.
The key is to create a vivid picture in your mind and to access the feeling before its happened.
How Do I Break The Habit of Being My Old Self?
What you’re doing here is mentally rehearsing for a new way of being!
You are forcing your brain to think in new sequences and patterns.
When you create situations over and over again in your mind, your body reacts chemically as if it’s already happened.
This is how you break the habit of being your old self.
Whenever your brain works differently – you’re changing your mind. But it takes repetition to change a habit.
If you can remind yourself every day for 30 days, of who you’re going to be, you’re literally installing new neurological programs that match your desired intentions for a new experience.
This is how you change from the inside out!
This is how you become the master of your thoughts and future reality.
Train Your Brain With Cutting Edge Technology
Clarity Mind Meditations uses brain entrainment technology or binaural beats audio embedded into every Clarity Mind guided meditation track.
What Are Binaural beats?
Prussian physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered the binaural beat effect in 1839.
Binaural beats are specially engineered sounds played back at slightly different frequencies and heard in different ears.
The slight difference in frequencies played through stereo headphones results in the brain perceiving a beating tone as if the two tones were mixed naturally in the brain.
The purpose of binaural beats is to train your brain to quickly get into the zone and experience deeper Theta states.
Scientists have discovered that it is possible to channel and organize certain brainwaves via auditory stimulation to allow for deeper meditations, reduced anxiety, increased creativity and better sleep.
What’s great about binaural beats is that you don’t need to know how they work in order to get all the benefits.
When you listen to Clarity Mind Guided Meditation audio on your computer or mp3 player, you can quickly enter and stay in a deep Theta level all in a matter of minutes and it’s as easy as pushing a button.
Clarity Mind Meditations Presents!
What Makes Clarity Mind Meditations Different?
Our brain entrainment technology embedded into every track gives you deep, effortless, enjoyable meditation in minutes.
The difference is in the voice. Listen to the soothing voice of a 30 year meditator and get expert practical guidance for better results in no time.
Clarity Mind Meditations are designed for busy people with busy lives. Get guided deep focused meditations in 30 minutes.
You’ll enjoy all the benefits of meditation without the need for expensive proprietary mantras or object phrases.
Enjoy simple, effective guided meditations designed with better outcomes in mind that give you deep, effortless and enjoyable meditations.
The quality and content of Clarity Mind Guided Meditations make it really easy to get into “The Zone.” You’ll feel calmer, more focused, less judgmental, and just plain happier.
Clarity Mind audio plays on multiple file formats on your iPod, iPad or any other multimedia player.
Okay, So Here’s Where YOU Come In…
It’s as easy as pushing a button…
- Just get out your mp3 player, put on your headphones and dial up Meditation For Financial
Abundance on your mp3 player or Iphone.
- Take a deep breath in through your nose. Go ahead do it now.
- Relax and let your worries disappear. Drop any beliefs you have about yourself or your world.
- Let your exhalation be longer than your inhalation, release everything that isn’t serving you.
- Release anything in your psychology that is worrying you, making you fearful or causing you frustration.
- Expect abundance and that all your needs are easily met.
- Be grateful and know that ALL IS WELL.
Imagine what it would be like to have a meditation master guide you through a meditation specifically designed to help you FEEL and EMBODY your financial abundance.
With this natural but powerful meditation, you’ll be re-programming your mind and body with positive visualizations designed with your financial abundance in mind.
Do yourself a favor and order your digital copy of Guided Meditation for Financial Abundance.
Clarity Mind 60 Day Guarantee
- Clarity Mind Meditation audios are crystal clear and encoded in the mp3 format and sound gorgeous on your ipod or ipad.
- Clarity Mind Meditation audios are designed to get your body relaxed, reduce mental chatter, restlessness and fatigue.
- With a simple push of the button, you’ll get to the Alpha level quickly, so that your body and mind can be re-programmed for the financial abundance you deserve in your life.
To order your copy of the Guided Meditation for Financial Abundance just click on the link below.
Order today and get instant access to:
The Guided Meditation for Financial Abundance audio Mp3 Encoded with Binaural Beat Brain Entrainment Technology
4 Step Easy Process for Eliminating Limiting Beliefs and Mindsets around Money
40 Daily Positive Wealth Mindset Affirmations
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